□ At our restaurant, we accept requests for seats, but reservations are not guaranteed.
Your desired seat will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
In order to prevent changes in order due to cancellations, changes, etc., seat locations will be confirmed on the day of the event.
Please note.
□ お席は後のご予約の都合上2時間のご利用をお願いします。
Due to the next reservation, the seat will be for 2 hour usage.
□ ご予約された時間より15分以上遅れる場合は店舗までお電話お願いします。ご連絡ない場合、キャンセルとして扱わせていただく可能性ございます旨ご了承ください。
Your seat might be cancelled if you arrive more than 15 minutes later than your reservation time without any notice in advance, so please give us a call if you are running late.