◯ 予約不可のお日にちでも、店舗に直接お問い合わせいただければお席がご用意できることがあります。
◯ こちらのウェブ予約システムでは、席種のご指定はできません。あらかじめご了承ください。
Please inform us any request such as allergies, disliked ingredients or any other special request upon the reservation from “Requests and Questions”on the next page. Phone inquiries are available in Japanese only. Email responses may take some time, but we can accommodate inquiries in English.
Phone: 03 6228 6909 / Email: kyobashi.takemoto@gmail.com
Dress Code :
We want to our guests to enjoy the aroma of dishes, so please refrain from wearing strong fragrance. We main refuse entry if necessary.